Who are we?

How did we get started?

The EPSI Rating Group conducts market research in the Nordic region, the UK, the Netherlands, and the Baltic countries.

EPSI Rating and Svenskt Kvalitetsindex started as a research project in the late 1980s, in a number of European business colleges and other academic institutions in the late 1980s. The aim of the project was to develop models to measure and analyze customer satisfaction in different industries. Based on the results of a study initiated by the EU Commission in 1998-1999, the initiative was subsequently formally launched under the name EPSI (Extended Performance Satisfaction Index).

Who are we today?

Today, EPSI Rating is a recognized European system for measuring customer- and employee satisfaction as well as organizations’ social responsibilities and management effectiveness. Further research at the Stockholm School of Economics has also revealed substantial correlations between EPSI’s non-financial measurements and companies’ business performances.

EPSI Rating and Svenskt Kvalitetsindex have expertise within a range of sectors and perform studies based on scientific methods. Every year we conduct around 300,000 telephone interviews with both customers and other stakeholders in Europe.